Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Nativity Tableau

The Nativity Tableau passed without incident on Sunday, though Mary was perhaps a little aggressive in the way she placed Jesus in the Manger! In our interpretation of the events of the first century we had two kings, two shepherds and more angels than you could shake a crook at! We need some boys to be born otherwsie we're going to have casting difficulties in the future! Well done to Jenni Prosser and Polly MacLachlan who co-ordinated the nativity with a deft touch. The whole thing was filmed and should be available to those who'd like a copy at some stage in the New Year.
We must extend our thanks to Helen Fielder & Zoe Isaacs and their team of 'decorators'. The stage area looked wonderful and not at all like a school dance studio. Thanks also to Lee Taylor who oversaw the refreshments and provided us with festive fair at the close of play.