The Christ Church Kids' Christmas party was a great success. We had over 30 children who came along after school and nursery for some games, singing, craft activities and tea. Polly did a terrific job in teaching the kids that the most important thing about Christmas is Jesus Christ. To do so she recruited the help of the church administrator, one of the elders and the vicar! The sight of three of these three dressed as Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer, a Christmas Tree and a Christmas pudding will long in the memory. Some of the adults seemed visibly traumatised by the experience! Thank you to all who helped and to all who invited friends. We're especially indebted to members of the evening congregation who left work early and 'tweaked' their schedules to help set up and clear up after the event. These events continue to be a terrific success and a wonderful way of being involved in the local community.