Thursday, 14 January 2010
Food for Thought
The All Age Church Lunch is a new idea. It's 'bring and share' but I can't bring myself to use the phrase! It conjures up mental images of inadequately heated wooden church huts, really bad coffee served in broken duck egg blue crockery and quiche. But enough of my issues.
There are two reasons for launching this.
1. It's just really good to enjoy each others' company in an informal setting. One of the biggest benefits of smaller churches like CCB is the community life. We see each other on Sundays, sometimes in our small groups and perhaps occasionally in social contexts but this is a once a term opportunity to enjoy the protracted experience of post church coffee. Whilst the kids run, stagger or sleep off their lunch we can chew the fat, catch up and encourage one another.
2. It's a really good opportunity to talk about some of the issues that concern us all in all age church. On occasions I'll be able to bring us up to speed on developments and news that affect us. Often there's insufficient time to deal with these in a normal Sunday meeting without attracting the understandable irritation of the creche and children's workers! This environment would allow me the chance to say a few words and welcome response from church members.
With respect to the lunch, we're not proposing anything too ambitious. All we're proposing is that everyone who's able to brings something to eat. We'll work out the specifics at a later date. But we know we can do it. We've done it before; at the hugely enjoyable baptism lunches. We'll move the chairs around and bring in some tables for the children. But if you bring a packed lunch for your own children that takes care of their specific eating requirements. This may not work for everyone. But let's do all we can, for the sake of others, to be 'can do' about this even though it may be a minor hassle!
The first Church Lunch is scheduled for Valentines' Day, Sunday 14th February. It would be terrific if you were able to join us.