Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Prayer Triplets

In general, as you would imagine, prayer triplets are three people who meet to pray. The clue is in the name! The specifics of how you run your triplet are down to you. In the past people have found that meeting fortnightly for an hour in the morning before work has been a great way to get started. Yes that means an 0630 start for some but for some of us that's a lie-in! Some prefer to meet for longer and some more frequently. Usually, it's the fairer sex who go down this route. Some enjoy meeting for a meal first and then spending an evening together during which time they chat and pray. Most of us face pressures of work and family life and so it's important to be realistic and make what oughto be a terrific time of encouragement into an unnecessary burden. An hour every two weeks tends to work well.
If you'd like to be part of a prayer triplet then contact Ed Drew if you're male and Audrey Nelson if you're female. They will then co-ordinate names and liaise with people. You can get Ed on edward.drew@btinternet.com and Audrey on nelsona@parliament.uk.